
                                                                Phylum Pyrrophyta It includes dinoflagellates. These are next to diatoms as producers in ocean. The blooms of Gonyaulax and Gymnodinium cause red tides since the cells are...


Gauss’s Law According to Gauss’s law, for charges in vacuum, the total electric flux over a closed surface (Gaussian surface) is equal to ( ), where qnet is the...


Dulong and Petit’s law According to Dulong and Petit’s law, At ordinary temperature the atomic heat of a solid element i.e., the product of atomic weight and specific heat...

Physics-Electricity  Quantity Definition Dimensional Formula S.I. Unit 1 Charge Current x time TA Coulomb (C) 2 Electric potential (V) Work/charge ML2T-3A-1 Volt=joule.C-1 3 Electric Intensity Force/ charge MLT-3A-1 NC-1...


S.I UNITS,DIMENSIONS,AND DIMENSIONSIONAL FORMULAE-              SYNOPSIS QUANTITY DEFINITION DIMENSIONAL FORMULA S I.UNIT Momentum Mass x vel. MLT-1 Kg.m.s-1 Force Mass X acc. MLT-2 Kg.m.s-2 = newton Angle Arc/radius M0L0T0 radian...


The gymnosperms are a distinct subdivision of the spermatophyta, the seed bearing plants. As the name indicates gymnosperms (gymnos =naked, sperma=seed) are naked seeded plants. The ovules or seeds...


S.I UNITS,DIMENSIONS,AND DIMENSIONSIONAL FORMULAE-              SYNOPSIS QUANTITY DEFINITION DIMENSIONAL FORMULA S I.UNIT Momentum Mass x vel. MLT-1 Kg.m.s-1 Force Mass X acc. MLT-2 Kg.m.s-2 = newton Angle Arc/radius M0L0T0 radian...


Molecular mass of a substance also called as molecular weight and is obtained by multiplying the atomic mass of each element by the number of its atoms and then...

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